Some tips for your #MSF17 activity plan

Today, Manchester Science Festival held a planning event for 2017 partners. Crucial to this was communication about what they're looking for in terms of proposals. The full info pack is on their website, but here are some of our notes from the event.

Goals of the MSI: to build science capital 

Ambition: international recognition for creative exploration; science at the heart of culture.

2 key elements:

  1. Programme (innovative, creative in science communication); Contemporary and accurate scientific research
  2. Model of the festival: collaboration/partnership working Number of collaborations – 90 from academia to cultural, private, 125 unique experiences in 60 different venues across Greater Manchester

Programming Criteria for proposals

  • Meaningful science
  • Quality
  • Innovation 
  • Playfulness 
  • Visitor focus
  • Accessibility

Here is a great highlights video from last year, which includes our own Science Jam. Salford University has been producing events in the festival for nearly 10 years now!