5 Insights on Science Communication & Autism #WorldAutismAwarenessWeek

The communication of autism has been among the most controversial topics in recent years and this week's World Autism Awareness Week draws our attention to the need for clear information.

There is some great content being shared this week, so we thought we'd focus on what we have learned from research that has examined the communication challenge. In so doing, we present 5 Insights on Science Communication and Autism. The tips come from a range of sources, all of which are focused on advice for news reporting. This has particular relevance in a week when there has been coverage of the problem with fake research. 

  1. Make it informative and interesting;
  2. Help people understand the difference between case studies and well-controlled studies;
  3. Establish an ongoing media monitoring strategy, rather than just at times of intense interest;
  4. Help audiences understand the importance of independent science communication, to ensure citizens understand its contribution to their well-being;
  5. Resist blaming just one individual, as there are often more people involved.

Inspiration from

Finally, here's a great VR film made to increase awareness about autism produced by the UK's National Autistic Society.